Book Review: The Power Of One More

Tyler Apr 18, 2024
7 People Read
The Power Of One More
Table of Contents
  1. My Most Life Changing Book In 2024: The Power Of One More By Ed Mylett
  2. The Power Of One More: Unleashing Your Identity
    1. Understanding Identity
  3. The Power Of One More : One More Matrix
  4. The Power Of One More: One More Try
  5. The Power Of One More: One More Goal
  6. One Last One More :Act Now
  7. What is the power of one more theory?
  8. The Power Of One More Quotes

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. 

My Most Life Changing Book In 2024: The Power Of One More By Ed Mylett

Have you ever desired to unlock your full potential as a human being? Contemplated the true meaning of your existence and pondered on ways to achieve long-term goals that resonate through not just your life but echo across generations of your family tree? Look no further than The Power Of One More by Ed Mylett. As a dedicated listener of Mylett for the past few years, I can confidently assert that this book has left an undeniable mark on my life. In its pages, you'll discover the keys to setting ambitious goals, conquering them, elevating personal standards, fortifying self-discipline, fostering positive emotions, bolstering self-belief, and cultivating a myriad of other empowering traits. Ed Mylett has truly hit this one out of the park. If there's one book I would recommend to shape your best life in 2024, it's unequivocally this one. Below, I'll delve into the profound impact it has had on my life and outline ways you can seamlessly integrate its teachings into your own journey of self-discovery and growth.

The Power Of One More: Unleashing Your Identity

In this transformative chapter, Ed Mylett delves into the profound concept of identity – the bedrock of our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. Imagine your identity as a thermostat, a pre-set comfort zone. You must break out of your comfort zone. Mylett vividly illustrates that even after achieving success beyond your preset limits, your identity may trigger self-sabotage, pulling you back to familiar ground.

Understanding Identity

Identity, as Mylett emphasizes, intertwines with self-confidence and self-worth. The crucial question arises: Can we overcome this self-imposed limitation? Mylett proposes a formidable trio to fortify your identity into an unstoppable force.

1. Faith

   Have unwavering faith that you were purposefully placed on this Earth. Reject mediocrity; envision yourself as a 100-degreer. Embrace the belief that a higher force intended you for extraordinary accomplishments.

2. Intention

   Affirm your intentions. State unequivocally that you intend to excel and elevate your identity. By doing so, you signal to your subconscious that you belong in the realm of a 100-degreer, thwarting self-sabotage.

3. Associations

   Your closest connections mirror your identity. Recognize the influence of your environment. To ascend in life, elevate your associations. Surround yourself with those who reflect the thermostat setting you aspire to.

The Function of Identity

Ed Mylett masterfully connects identity with self-confidence, defining it as the ability to trust oneself. A poignant question lingers: Can you consistently fulfill the promises you make to yourself? The journey to self-discovery, guided by Mylett's insights, unveils the power within to shatter self-imposed limits and forge an identity that propels you towards greatness.

The Power Of One More : One More Matrix

If you have ever seen the Matrix, Ed uses the analogy of being the “one” as Neo is in the matrix. If you ever see a family that either financially, emotionally, fulfilled, or any sort of success at one point they weren’t, until the ONE come around. Once the “one” came around that family and the generations around them changed. The families, thoughts, beliefs, values were changed by the “ONE”. Ed encourages you that you can be the “ONE” for your family and generations later. The next part is nothing short of amazing, Ed introduces the Reticular Activating System or RAS for short. Your RAS is a real system in your brain that filters in what’s important to you and filters out what’s not important. One example Ed uses is a yellow BMW, if you want to buy a yellow BMW do you notice they are everywhere? You can see one 3 cars ahead of you, the cars have always been there but you never noticed them before, why’s that? Your RAS. You decided this was important so your brain decides to highlight this to you. How do you control your RAS for your desires, goals, and dreams? Through repeated thoughts and visualization. For example, if you wanted to lose weight, you would repeat to yourself your SPECIFIC goal of weight loss over and over. Now, you visualize the image of yourself losing the weight, use your senses taste, touch, sound, smell, and sight. Repeat this over and over, and you brain will begin to highlight the people, places, and resources to get you to that goal. They have always been there but your brain had filtered them out through your RAS because it was unimportant to you at the time. Remember, all of these thoughts must be followed up with action and intention, you never THINK your way to your goal. 

The Power Of One More: One More Try

One excellent chapter of the book explains the art of persistence using the pinata as an analogy. If you watch kids hitting a pinata at a birthday party you watch them swing after swing and no candy comes out. All of the sudden one hit and BAM the candy explodes out. Was this from the last hit? No it was the previous hits compounding over and over. Ed uses this analogy to life, we give up too early when all our compounded efforts do not show any results yet. If you say to yourself “i’m going to try one more time” and keep doing that day after day you will reap what you sow. Remember, if you are willing to go further than anyone else, you will reap rewards nobody else will get.

The Power Of One More: One More Goal

This is by far the most important chapter of the book. Ed starts off by explaining standards vs goals, standards are the actions and behaviors that will get you to your goal. The important part of this is that, you can control your standards, it’s about the person you become. You cannot always control the outcome of your goal, but can always control your standards because it is completely within yourself. Your goals will become the byproduct of your standards. When trying to create your goals, Ed suggests doing this from a peak state. Do not try setting your goals when your tired, right before bed, or any other unhelpful state. Try exercising, or anything that puts you into a peak state, this puts your confidence at a peak and try setting your goals from there. After setting your goals, you must come up with compelling reasons, Listen up this is the most important part. Reasons must have energy, emotion tied to them, goals without compelling reasons are empty because you will give up when things get tough. When you have strong compelling reasons, you will push through any discomfort, setbacks, or boredom because you must achieve your goal. One example Ed gives which is amazing, he had a heart condition and meeting with his doctor, he wired him with strong compelling reasons. The doctor asked if he would like to attend his daughters wedding or would it be okay if it was some other man walking his daughter down the aisle. What the doctor explained was that if he kept his current lifestyle and did not change he may not live long enough to walk his daughter down the aisle. When he heard this, he immediately changed his lifestyle, the doctor gave him emotionally compelling reasons, Ed says when he feels like not eating well or exercising he thinks of his daughters wedding. This compelling reasons gets him up and allows him to never waiver or quit on his goals. What’s your compelling reasons? Remember they must be emotionally charged so will absolutely never give in.

Now that you have your goal and compelling reasons you must really define your goal with a deadline and be very specific a goal of wanting to lose weight and be healthy will always fail. How does that look? “I want to lose 20 lbs in 6months, I want my waist size to be x” these are more specific. Two reasons why you want specificity, accountability and brain coherence. Being accountable means if you set a vague goal, you can easily let yourself off the hook because you never clear in the first place. Another reason why you need specificity is because your brain loves clarity, while you set a specific goal your RAS(remember from before?) can highlight the people, places, resources you need to achieve your goal.

After you have your goal in a specific fashion, and compelling reasons you can create what Ed calls Momentum building goals. If we go back to the example of losing 20 lbs in 6 months, momentum building goals could be losing close to 4 lbs a month this allow you to still have your vision of the future as well as building momentum towards that each month or week. The last part is to always visualize your goal and dreams do this multiple times a day, write them down every morning and evening this will put the repetition in required to achieve them. Last, is to come from a place of expectation, EXPECT you will reach your goals this will give you the drive and confidence needed to reach your goals. 

One Last One More : Act Now

I can’t begin to explain to you the impact this book has had on me. Ed mylett really hit it out of the park with this one, not only did he cover goals, dreams, and aspiration but covered living an overall purposeful life with one with intention and direction. Reading this book allowed me to build a lot more clarity in my life. When I say clarity, what I mean is Where am I going in life? What am I meant to do? What are my reasons? I feel like I have more direction in my life ever than before. I used to consider myself an “empty dreamer” meaning I have the imagination of grand big dreams, and would take action however these goals were not pointed at anything specific. Now when I make my goals, I attach compelling reasons to them, meaning I am acting in service of something greater, and I WILL NOT let them or myself down. Having compelling reasons is the difference between “ I don’t feel like doing this but I will because I HAVE TO, vs it’s okay I can do it later when I feel like it”. I now understand the power of the RAS and using this amazing filtering mechanism to achieve my goals. I know that I cannot just Dream something and hope it comes true, the RAS will filter out to me what’s important but THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, I STILL NEED TO TAKE ACTION. One of the biggest takeaways from the book is the idea of standards. Standards are what you need to achieve your goal, we don’t always get our goals but we do get our standards. Standards are about the person you become, what kind of person do you want to become while going after your goals? The way Ed describes standards in this book is very much how I think of “Identity” the way Tom Bilyeu teaches it. Identity is the person you “Are”. Identity statements are such as “I am the type of person that “. For example, if you have a goal to increase energy, resilience, adapt to stress, greater immune system function, and many more benefits. You could use the Identity statement “I am the type of person who takes a cold shower everyday”. You act within this statement everyday, it’s binary you either did it or you didn’t. Every Time you do it, you can repeat this to yourself “I am the type of person who takes cold showers everyday”. You act within this identity statement and you become. You will not belief the amount of self-belief and confidence you will build by using the power of identity statements. Tying that back in The Power Of One More, standards are what you “become” as you chase your goals, it’s more about the person you become rather than the goal itself. 

Order The Power Of One More HERE for the LOWEST Price (Do not pay Retail)


What is the power of one more theory?

The Power of One More is a concept that emphasizes the impact of making incremental efforts beyond what you typically do, to enhance personal growth and success. This theory suggests that by pushing yourself to do just one more — whether it's one more rep in your workout, one more hour of study, or one more sales call — you can significantly improve your outcomes and achieve greater success.

This approach is rooted in the belief that small, consistent actions can lead to substantial changes over time. It encourages individuals to extend their limits slightly beyond their comfort zone, fostering resilience, discipline, and a mindset geared towards continuous improvement. By regularly challenging oneself to do "one more," individuals can build habits that propel them towards achieving their goals, enhancing both personal and professional development.

The Power Of One More Quotes

 Here are some notable quotes from the book that encapsulate its core messages:

1. "The difference between being good and being great is just doing one more."

- This quote highlights the book's central premise that the gap between average and exceptional can often be bridged by the willingness to do just a bit more than is expected or required.

2. "Every time you think you’ve maxed out your capabilities, know that you’re only at 40% of your true potential."

- Inspired by the Navy SEALs' 40% rule, this quote encourages readers to recognize that they often have more to give, even when they feel like they've reached their limit.

3. "The most successful people are not the most talented, just the most persistent."

- Persistence and the commitment to continue pushing forward are emphasized as more crucial than innate talent for achieving long-term success.

4. "One more call, one more meeting, one more hour can make all the difference in achieving your goals."

- This practical advice motivates readers to apply the 'one more' philosophy to their daily tasks, emphasizing how small additional efforts can lead to significant results.

5. "Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision to do one more."

- This quote speaks to the power of decision-making in changing one’s life trajectory, underlining that a committed decision to go further is the first step toward transformation.

These quotes from "The Power of One More" are designed to inspire readers to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and resilience, pushing beyond perceived limits to achieve their dreams and goals.

My Favorite Books For 2024:

1- Atomic Habits: James Clear

2- The Greatness Mindset: Lewis Howes

3- Rise and Grind: Daymond John

Greatness Awaits,


Table of Contents
  1. My Most Life Changing Book In 2024: The Power Of One More By Ed Mylett
  2. The Power Of One More: Unleashing Your Identity
    1. Understanding Identity
  3. The Power Of One More : One More Matrix
  4. The Power Of One More: One More Try
  5. The Power Of One More: One More Goal
  6. One Last One More :Act Now
  7. What is the power of one more theory?
  8. The Power Of One More Quotes

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only.